2021 Race Recap
Photos: Mike Oitzman

The gnomes know what to do in Ass Slap Alley!

Couldn't do it without this fine medical crew!

Chef Newman feeding the masses.

Back to back wall rides.

Ray doing ray things.

Beau learning the ropes from Grandpa Ron.

Part of the Sanchez crew that makes it all happen!

Fasthouse knows how to party!

The Throwdown on Friday night!

Local Nevada City kid Myles Morgan getting ready to start stage 2.

Spirit award 2021.

Meredith Newman and baby Remi, future shredder!

Amy Morrison on Vigilante!

Only a few bruises were given out this year at ASA.

Women's Podium 2021.

Kyle Straight after the speed trap/long jump!

Captain America representing!

Soda smashing through kick the can!

Men's E-bike Podium.

Cam Zink having a blast on red beard.

Men's Pro Podium.

Scott Chapin on Stage 3.

Timmy always dressed to impress!